Primary citation: 1. Abdelkrim Rachedi, Khuphukile Madida. NALD: Nucleic Acids and Ligands Database, Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Applications (Springer) 2013, 488: 329-336 << Find in SpringerLink
2. Abdelkrim Rachedi, Khuphukile Madida. NALD: Nucleic Acids and Ligands Database; Ligand Binding Motifs, Binding Classes & Disease Links, 2nd ISCB Africa ASBCB Conference on Bioinformatics, March 9-11, 2011 - CapeTown, South Africa.
Nucleic Acids and Ligands Database - NALD v. 2.0 Dec. 2021 (v. 1.1 Sept. 2012)
© Abdelkrim Rachedi & University of Saida, Algeria - since January 2012

NALD v. β 2010; conception and creation started by the author at Wits Bioinformatics Unit, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
© Abdelkrim Rachedi & University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, v.1.0 Nov. 2010.


Find Binding details, Motifs & Disease links:

(Enter a PDBid, Ligand Name [e.g. SPM], Ligand Chemical Formula [e.g. C9H13BRN3O7P],
a keyword such as DNA, RNA, Nucleic Acid or hybrids of these.
For motifs search: type ':C|A' to find motifs binding ligands in intercalation mode between the bases 'C' and 'A' .. etc.
Type ':CGT' for example to find binding motifs containing 'CGT' in their sequence .. etc.)

Database statistics - April 2024
Nucleic-Ligands entries: 2258
DNA entries: 1012
RNA entries: 507
DNA-RNA Hybrid entries: 25
PNA/LNA entries: 23
Ligands/Drugs count: 917