Show per region samples
Variants key:   α    β    γ    δ    ο    κ    η    ι    ζ    θ    ε    λ    μ   ||  VOC   VOI  || 
N#Seq. nameLineageMutations of Concern/InterestMutations
D614G A222V P323L/F E484K/Q/A N501Y P681H/R T1001I Q27* △21765_6 E, S, N & M
1  EDB18072  B.1.1.7  [α] [ VOC ]  G - L - Y H I *
2  MILK-159F314  B.1.351  [β] [ VOC ]  G - L K Y - - - -
3  PHEC-30FF10  P.1.16  [γ] [ VOC ]  G X L K Y - - - X
4  RAND-151F710  B.1.617.2  [δ] [ VOC ]  G - L - - R - - -
5  NIRE-003f4e  AY.4.2  [δ+] [ VOC ]  G V L XXR - - -
6  DHSC-CYNQBYI  BA.1  [ο] [ VOC ]  G - L A Y H - - X
7  PHEC-4S086Z4F  BA.2  [ο] [ VOC ]  G - L A Y H - X-
8  LSPA-2F5E736  BA.3  [ο] [ VOC ]  G - L A Y H - -
9  OP022774  BA.4  [ο] [ VOC ]  G - L A Y H - X-
10  OP020517  BA.5  [ο] [ VOC ]  G - L A Y H - X-
11  OP010155  BA.2.75  [ο] [ VOC ]  G - L A Y H - X-
12  OP003170  BA.2.12.1  [ο] [ VOC ]  G - L A Y H - X-
13  PHEC-L304L124  B.1.617.1  [κ] [ VOI ]  G - L Q - R - - -
14  CAMC-13AEEAA  B.1.427  [ε] [ VOI ]  G - L - - - - - -
15  PHEC-3041E8  B.1.429  [ε] [ VOI ]  G - L - - - - X-
16  ALDP-15076E1  P.2  [ζ] [ VOI ]  G - L K - - - - -
17  QEUH-130F654  B.1.525  [η] [ VOI ]  G - F K - - - -
18  MILK-154EAF1  P.3  [θ] [ VOI ]  G X L K Y H - X-
19  CAMC-14F85AB  B.1.526  [ι] [ VOI ]  G - L K - - - - -
20  MILK-156082C  C.37  [λ] [ VOC ]  G - L - - - - - -
21  LOND-1350BDD  B.1.621  [μ] [ VOI ]  G - L K Y H - - -

Main data source site(s):

SVGM-exp β-v.1.0 -July 2021, © Abdelkrim Rachedi at the Dept. of Biology, Saida University, Algeria, 2021.
Viruses β-v.4.0 -July 2021, © Abdelkrim Rachedi at the Dept. of Biology, Saida University, Algeria, v.1 - March 2020.

Disclaimer: The Viruses Database system offers data as they are from sources(*) used in the data integration. The data are by no mean complete about all types viruses, however, the database is regularly updatad and
the tool system is continuously further developed. (*)Primarily the COVID-19 Genomics UK Consortium (COG-UK), NCBI/Genbank, EMBL genomics data & PDB structural data.
  1. Mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 complete genome sequences from strains isolated in Blida province, Algeria.
    Abdelkrim Rachedi, JNBGP 2020: Journees Nationales virtuelles de bioinformatique: Genomique et proteomique
    - USDB, October 09-10, 2020 - Refer to DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20838.45123
  2. Wibinaire1-JNBGP2020The Keynote Conference presentation (1h:30Min) is available here:
  3. The Viruses, data annotation & integration tool, created by the DIRC Data Integration Module, is based on an improved version of the algorithm reported in the following research paper:
    Abdelkrim Rachedi et al., GABAagent: a system for integrating data on GABA receptors. Bioinformatics. 2000 Apr;16(4):301-12.